What are the types of signs for a business?

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Professional signs are ideal for attracting customers, building trust in your brand and increasing your sales. However, you should know all the types ofsigns available on the market to choose the one that best suits your business.

Thus, in this article, we will tell you about all the different types ofsigns you can use in your company.

Pylon signs

Pylon signs are those that are freestanding and usually have LED lighting, either internal or external. According to Canadian government regulations, these cannot exceed two meters or 6 feet in height.

These are especially useful if they are built near a road or in a parking lot to attract the attention of passers-by. It is therefore advisable that the name or logo of the company with its opening hours are found on it.

If you decide to get a pylon sign with LED lighting, it can be especially helpful in establishing that your business is open when it is on and off when it is closed.

In addition, they are extremely eye-catching to passing cars on the streets around your business, especially since their size makes them easy to read from a distance.

Monument signs

Monument signs are very similar to pylon signs, but instead of being supported by elevated structures, their bases are in the ground.

According to national regulations, these can have a maximum width of 2.2 square meters. These signs are excellent for attracting pedestrians as they are at eye level.

In addition, they usually have decorations at their base, usually natural, such as flowerbeds. This gives elegance and makes your business more eye-catching. Also, you can add your logo or company name in large letters to generate more impact.

Channel letters

If you do not have space on the streets surrounding your business, channel letter signs are an excellent option. These are letters that are inserted into the wall of your premises, usually made of metal or plastic, and like other signs , can be designed with LED lights to attract even more attention.

These usually simply include the company name in the official company fonts. Due to their size, they are intended to reduce the amount of text that these signs include. Also, their size allows you to recognize your company from a great distance.


Another popular and inexpensive option is A-frame signs . As the name implies, they feature a triangular shape, which allows them to stand on their own.

These signs are a great option if you want to get more information than what other types ofsigns allow you to do. For example, if your business is a restaurant, you can use an A-frame sign to promote your best dishes, hours of operation or special events and promotions.

Another advantage of these types ofsignsis that they are easily transportable. So, if you change location, you simply pick up your sign and take it with you like any other piece of furniture.

There are other types of signs, however these are the most common. When looking for a site to create your advertising signs, we advise you to choose a company with experience in design and color schemeso that your signs give better results. Also, it is advisable to check if they have a portfolio to see their previous work and choose the one that best suits your needs.