5 tips for choosing a good signage company

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Before entering into a purchase agreement with a signage company, it is important to find out as much as possible about their previous work in order to determine if it matches your expectations. 

Fortunately, there are a few ways to check if a signage company is reliable and, therefore, if the type of work they do meets your requirements and needs. 

At Xénon Enseignes & Éclairage we want to give you some tips that will help you choose the best option in signage for your business, so that you get a quality job that is worth your investment. 

Are you ready? Let’s get started! 

1. Check the accuracy and quality of services

One of the first things you should do when choosing a signage company is to find out how long they have been in business. And, while “longer” in business does not equal “better quality” products, it can allow you to establish a frame of reference. 

On the other hand, one of the best ways to know that a company is good is to spend time getting to know its history, but at the same time verify whether its mission, vision and purpose coincide with our own. 

The chosen signage company should have concrete and measurable objectives. Therefore, the information obtained can help you make a more informed and accurate decision about contracting the services. 

However, if you want to be stricter with this choice, you can also approach the company’s physical facilities or the result of other works, in order to determine if the quality and features match what their website claims.

2. Look for reviews from other buyers

Reviews from other buyers can help us establish a benchmark, mainly in terms of product quality. It has now been proven that up to 90% of buyers read reviews of products before purchasing them and more than 70% make decisions based on them. 

In the case of signage companies, this should be no exception. Reviews are important:

  • Generate confidence
  • Provide a better perception of the product
  • And in the specific case of a signage company, they promote product satisfaction right from the design process.

3. Establish a cost-benefit ratio

Another important aspect when choosing the ideal signage company is to know how to establish a comparison between the money you want to invest and the quality of the product you intend to receive. 

Many times high prices can make us back down when making a purchase. However, the important thing is that you learn to balance the qualitative and quantitative benefits of the final cost and, above all, learn to identify when it is an isolated expense and when we are talking about “investment”. 

Therefore, the prices may be a little high at the beginning, but if you compare it with all the benefits you will get from it, you will obviously get the best benefits. 

However, to get a real quote, it is best to schedule an appointment with the signage company, fill out a form or request a personalized estimate. 

4. Verify if the company complies with city regulations.

Something that is rarely discussed is the regulations and permits that signage companies must have in order to provide their services to the public. 

Before installing any sign, signboard or sign, it is necessary to verify that this process complies with the indications established in the city regulations. In the case of Xénon Enseignes & Éclairage, it is affiliated to AQIE, which guarantees safe processes supported by a specialized organization. 

5. Make sure that the work of the chosen company meets your needs.

In closing, you should know that whether you are a small business or a large corporation, it is important to find a signage company that you can trust to give you exactly what you want.

This is why it is essential that the signage company chosen is open to constant communication and, above all, has a complete service that will guide you from the design stage to the maintenance stage. In other words, a signage company such as Xénon Enseignes & Éclairage. 

Don’t delay any longer, contact us at (514) 647-4224. We will be happy to help you!